Ron's 80 Day Challenge
Ron's wife, Janet, received a kidney transplant in 2018 which changed her life beyond belief.
Ron turned 80 years old earlier this year, and by way of saying thanks to the Norfolk Renal Fund and team that saved Janet's life, he wanted to raise some money for the cause.
Turning 80 was a milestone for Ron, yet he refused to see this as a barrier, more of an exciting opportunity to raise some money. With the support of Ron's friends and family, in the 80 days running up until Ron's birthday, Ron and his team members took on a series of challenges:
80k running relay team
80k walk
80k length swim relay
80 ends of the indoor bowling team
Their dear friend, June, swam 80 x 50m lengths of her local swimming pool (raising £195). Another friend, John, bowled 80 ends of a short mat bowls, a total of 340 woods bowled (raising £305). Ron and Janet's granddaughter Lucy and Partner Ben raised £976 by completing 1 million metres of Cross Fit gym work in 80 days.
Alongside the above, various other challenges and a social birthday bash, the grand total raised by this amazing effort was £4,172.00!